Martin Broadhurst
Martin Broadhurst, a sales and marketing technology consultant and podcast host, brings a practical approach to AI in marketing. With a focus on digital strategy and marketing automation, he helps businesses navigate the complexities of AI-driven marketing, making it accessible and effective. Martin shares his knowledge on the 'Artificially Intelligent Marketing' podcast and through journal papers on AI for marketing.
About Martin Broadhurst
Martin Broadhurst is the founder of Broadhurst Digital, a sales and marketing technology consultancy based in Derby, UK. His firm specialises in providing businesses with the tools they need to enhance their sales and marketing performance. From marketing automation to digital strategy and AI-driven marketing solutions, Martin’s practical approach is helping businesses connect with their customers more efficiently.
Martin recognises the opportunities that the convergence of data abundance and AI technology presents for marketers. However, he also understands that many marketers are struggling to leverage these opportunities due to a lack of knowledge within the profession. To address this, Martin is dedicated to educating marketing professionals on how to effectively use AI.
In addition to running Broadhurst Digital, Martin hosts ‘Artificially Intelligent Marketing’ a marketing AI podcast. Through this platform, he shares his insights and experiences, helping others understand the potential of AI in marketing. He has also written a journal paper on the subject, providing frameworks to help marketers identify use cases for AI.
Martin’s work extends beyond providing services and sharing knowledge. He is committed to helping businesses stay ahead of the curve by providing sales and marketing technology consulting services. He works with businesses to help them select, implement, and optimise the right sales and marketing technology for their needs.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Marketing AI
- Marketing
- Marketing Automation
- CRM and Customer Data
"Martin is a highly knowledgeable speaker with fantastic delivery skills. I have worked with Martin many times delivering sessions. Each of Martin’s sessions are very well attended and receive excellent delegate feedback."
Events Manager, D2N2
"Today I Chaired a Digital Marketing Conference for the East Midlands Chamber. Their Digital Growth Program. It was wonderful to hear Martin as an Expert, such a fun, digestible talk on Ai and Digital Marketing. A great support to the 300+ business owners in the room. He made them laugh, they were so engaged, content was rich and meaningful. I highly recommend Martin as a speaker ."
Penny Power OBE