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Why your audience is key to Customer Experience

By Keynote Speaker Marc GordonĀ 

While customer experiences are measured by interactions, they can be influenced by static content such as interior design, colours, or in this case, signage.

On a recent trip to San Diego, I came across this sign in a local mall:

A code of Conduct sign for a shopping mall which details instructions for behaviour. One of the rules is 'No weapons.'

While it may be normal to local residents, as a Canadian, I found it both amusing and somewhat sad.

Why do people need to be told not to be disruptive or carry weapons? Is this considered normal behaviour?

But for me, the bigger picture is that those visiting this mall may in fact find this sign comforting as it sets the standards for behaviour. Which I think we can agree makes for a better experience for everyone.

Marc Gordon speaking

My point is that how something can influence the customer experience can be different from one audience to another. A sign like this at a mall in Canada would likely cause concern or fear, resulting in many to stay away altogether. But in California, it results in peace of mind and a sense of security.

The takeaway? Understand whoā€™s reading your content ā€“ marketing, policies, etc. And what mindset they might be in. Content and context need to work together to create a positive influence while still getting key information across.

For more information on booking Customer Experience Speaker Marc Gordon, contact The Speakers Agency on +44(0)1332 810481 or email to speak to one of our booking agents.

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